Quick personal update
2009 was a fantastic year. Business was amazing, I was able to work on some really interesting projects with some big global organizations and some small start ups. I got healthy. And, in late October, I accepted a phenomenal opportunity to return to a corporate leadership role as the Sr Director, Global Recruiting with Expedia.
Events in 2010
Here are some of the places I'll be in 2010. I hope to see you in person!
- I'm honored to be the MC and Chairman of the 2010 ERE recruiting conference in San Diego this March.
- I'll be speaking here in Seattle at the SHRM Washington State Council Annual Conference, also in March.
- I'll be hosting Kevin Wheeler's Future of Talent regional event at our Expedia headquarters in April.
- I'll be MCing our annual Staffing Management Association Staffing Symposium in Seattle in May.
- And I'll be speaking - for the first time - at SHRM's big annual conference in San Diego in late June.